AC InstallationAC RepairsApril 9, 2024by RanaIs your commercial fridge or chest freezer showing signs of wear and tear because you’ve overlooked winter maintenance?

Is your commercial fridge or chest freezer showing signs of wear and tear because you’ve overlooked winter maintenance? Don’t risk compromising the efficiency and lifespan of your essential units. In this guide, we’ll delve into the potential consequences of neglecting maintenance during the winter season. Plus, we’ll equip you with detailed steps to protect your equipment from damage and ensure it operates smoothly throughout the chilly months ahead.

Remember, maintaining your commercial fridge and Chest Freezer is essential for its longevity and efficiency. If you encounter challenges beyond your expertise, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from experienced professionals. For expert guidance and reliable solutions, reach out to the trusted team at or call now at 0200 8831 8900.

Consequences of Neglecting Winter Maintenance:

Frost Buildup:

chest freezer

Failure to carry out regular defrosting and cleaning procedures allows frost to accumulate within your commercial fridge and chest freezer. As this frost thickens, it restricts airflow, impeding the cooling process and causing your equipment to work inefficiently. The strain placed on the compressor due to this reduced airflow not only results in higher energy consumption but also accelerates the wear and tear of vital components. Over time, this can lead to decreased efficiency and potentially costly repairs. By prioritising regular maintenance to address frost build-up, you not only enhance the performance of your units but also extend their lifespan, ultimately saving you time and money in the long run.


Condensation Problem:

When maintenance is neglected, excessive condensation becomes a common issue in commercial fridges and chest freezers, particularly in colder temperatures. This moisture buildup creates an environment conducive to mould growth, corrosion, and electrical malfunctions.

ice machine

Mould growth poses health risks and can contaminate stored food, while corrosion compromises structural integrity. Electrical malfunctions, including short circuits, are also heightened due to moisture infiltration. Moreover, compromised insulation decreases energy efficiency, as units must work harder to maintain temperatures. This increases energy consumption and accelerates wear on components. Regular maintenance, including drainage system checks and cleaning, is crucial to prevent condensation buildup. Installing moisture-absorbing materials further aids in humidity control. Addressing condensation promptly ensures equipment efficiency, safety, and longevity.


Temperature Malfunction:

Neglected maintenance often leads to temperature inconsistencies in commercial fridges and freezers. These fluctuations pose significant risks to food safety and storage quality, potentially resulting in health hazards and financial losses for your business.

Calibration issues, seal leaks, and dirty components exacerbate temperature fluctuations, compounding the problem further. These issues can compromise the ability of your units to maintain the desired temperatures consistently, putting stored food items at risk of spoilage and contamination.

Addressing maintenance promptly is crucial to rectify temperature fluctuations and ensure the reliable operation of your equipment. By promptly addressing calibration issues, repairing seal leaks, and cleaning components, you can mitigate the risks associated with temperature inconsistencies and maintain optimal conditions for food storage.


Compressor Strain:

During winter, cold temperatures place additional strain on the compressor of your commercial fridge and freezer as it endeavours to sustain optimal cooling levels. This strain is further compounded by factors such as dirty coils, worn-out gaskets, and insufficient refrigerant levels, all of which impede the compressor’s efficiency.

The heightened workload on the compressor not only results in increased energy consumption but also elevates the risk of mechanical failures. These failures can range from minor malfunctions to catastrophic breakdowns, disrupting your business operations and potentially leading to costly repairs or replacements.

Regular maintenance is essential to mitigate the unnecessary stress placed on the compressor. By addressing issues such as dirty coils, replacing worn-out gaskets, and ensuring adequate refrigerant levels, you can optimise the efficiency of the compressor and reduce the likelihood of mechanical failures.


Energy InEfficiency:

When commercial fridges and chest freezers are poorly maintained, their energy consumption tends to spike, surpassing that of well-maintained units. This inefficiency stems from various factors, including compromised cooling systems and neglected upkeep of vital components.

The repercussions of such energy inefficiency extend beyond inflated utility bills. It also contributes to environmental pollution, as excessive energy consumption strains power resources and increases carbon emissions. This environmental impact underscores the importance of addressing maintenance issues promptly to curtail energy wastage and minimise your carbon footprint.

Implementing energy-saving practices alongside proactive maintenance is paramount. This includes measures such as regular cleaning and servicing, optimising temperature settings, and ensuring proper insulation. By adopting these practices, you can maximise the efficiency of your commercial refrigeration units, reduce energy wastage, and mitigate environmental harm.


Steps to Safeguard Your Units:


Regular Cleaning:

commercial fridge

Consistent cleaning sessions are vital to rid your commercial fridge and chest freezer of accumulated dust, debris, and food spills. Ensuring cleanliness both inside and out is crucial for maintaining optimal hygiene and preventing potential issues. Use a mild detergent solution and warm water to thoroughly clean surfaces, ensuring they are completely dry to prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to mould growth and corrosion.



Regular defrosting is essential to prevent frost buildup inside your units, which can impede airflow and hinder cooling efficiency. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for safe and efficient defrosting procedures. By removing ice buildup in a timely manner, you maintain optimal airflow, ensuring consistent cooling performance and prolonging the lifespan of your equipment.

Check Seals and Gaskets:


Inspecting door seals and gaskets regularly is crucial to ensure they are in good condition and provide a tight seal. Any signs of wear and tear should be addressed promptly to prevent air leaks, which can compromise temperature consistency and lead to energy loss. By maintaining proper seals, you not only preserve food quality but also minimise energy consumption, ultimately saving on operational costs.

Monitor Temperature Settings:

Regularly monitoring and calibrating temperature settings is essential for maintaining accurate cooling performance. Keep a detailed log of temperature readings to detect any fluctuations, which could indicate underlying issues that require attention. By addressing temperature inconsistencies promptly, you ensure optimal storage conditions for your products and mitigate the risk of food spoilage or contamination.

Professional Maintenance:

Scheduling routine maintenance checks with qualified technicians is a proactive approach to ensuring the optimal performance and longevity of your commercial fridge and chest freezer. Professional technicians can inspect and service your equipment, identifying and addressing potential issues before they escalate into costly problems. By investing in professional maintenance, you not only minimise the risk of unexpected breakdowns but also optimise energy efficiency, ultimately maximising the return on your investment in refrigeration equipment.


Looking For New Commercial Unit?

Noticed signs that your Commercial Fridge or Chest Freezer is making some issues? It’s probably time to call in the experts.

All sorts of little things can go wrong with the unit. Some are very minor and can be fixed at easy to follow procedures or a quick clean. But others may require a specialist diagnosis and repairs. 

But be warned: it could get you into trouble if you attempt to make the repairs yourself without the right training or know-how. It isn’t advisable, and it might put off an engineer from ADK Kooling to work on them if the problem isn’t resolved. 

If you live within the M25 and your refrigeration is showing one or more of these telltale signs of dying — then I’d like to suggest you give one of our specialists a call.

Some reasons to consider us include:

  • Our engineers can get out to you in just a few hours.
  • Our call-outs are set at fixed prices — with no sneaky hidden extra charges.
  • We carry lots of spare and replacement parts, so it’s extremely unlikely you’ll have to wait around for us to order one.
  • We can guarantee a 90-day warranty on all our repairs

Find out more about our refrigeration repairs & get an engineer out ASAP.

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